Virtual Teaching in Higher Education: The
New Intellectual Superhighway or Just Another Traffic Jam?
Jerald G. Schutte - California State
University, Northridge
An experimental
design was carried out during the Fall, 1996 in which 33 students in a Social
Statistics course at California State University, Northridge were randomly
divided into two groups, one taught in a traditional classroom and the other
taught virtually on the World Wide Web. Text, lectures and exams were
standardized between the conditions. Contrary to the proposed hypotheses,
quantitative results demonstrated the virtual class scored an average of 20%
higher than the traditional class on both examinations. Further, post‑test
results indicate the virtual class had significantly higher perceived peer
contact, and time spent on class work, but a perception of more flexibility,
understanding of the material and greater affect toward math, at semester end,
than did the traditional class.
Since 1994, the
World Wide Web and related Internet resources (e.g., e‑mail, chat, and
news groups) have become an increasing viable component in higher education
pedagogy. This has led to significant interest in the implementation of
Internet based virtual teaching. Yet little, if any, experimental evidence has
been generated to demonstrate the effects of virtual versus traditional class
format on student performance. What has appeared is largely qualitative and /
or antidotal. What quantitative data do appear tend to be based on a single
class (and hence, no experimental comparison) or self selected samples of two
or more classes. Considering the amount of money being expended in higher
education on infrastructure, software, training and technological pedagogy,
this lack of experimental evidence is unconscionable.
An attempt was made
to address these deficiencies by engaging in an experimental design in which
students from the same class were randomly assigned the first day to either
virtual or traditional classroom. These conditions were used to test the
effects of face‑to‑face vs. virtual professor‑student
interaction, on the test performance of students. The null hypothesis was that
face‑to‑face interaction makes no difference in student test
performance. The research hypothesis asserts that it does. In particular, it is
argued that such face‑to‑face interaction with the professor is
fundamental to the learning process and that without it students suffer. The
parallax view contends that a lack of face‑to‑face interaction with
the professor leads to greater interaction between students and that this
collaboration results in higher student test results. The
pre‑test questionnaire asking,
among other things, student demographics and experience with computers, math
and statistics. Post‑test assessment consisted of student scores on the
midterm and final as well as information culled from the post‑test
Sample: Student
enrollment at California State University, Northridge, Sociology 364, for the
Fall of 1996, was increased from the traditional 25 to 40 students to
accommodate this experiment. On the first day of class 34 of the pre‑enrolled
students and three new students attended this once a week Saturday class. This
total of 37 students was divided using a systematic random sampling of the
enrollment sheet, such that 19 students appeared in the traditional class and
18 appeared in the virtual classroom, initially. Although two students added
several weeks into the semester, and were placed in the traditional class, they
were not included in the analysis since they were not there for the entire
semester (a fact which only would have lowered their condition's average).
Moreover, two students from each class failed to complete the semester's work.
Therefore, this analysis is based on the remaining 33 students (17 in the
traditional class, 16 in the virtual class).
Procedure: The first
day of class students were asked to fill out the pre‑test questionnaire
prior to assignment to conditions. Students were then given a preassigned
number indicating which room they were to adjourn to. Traditional students were
sent to a regular classroom while the virtual students stayed in the lab. Each
section was given identical instructions by the instructor as to the scope,
content and expectations for their performance in the class.
students in the virtual class were given instructions by the lab assistant on
the requisite technology necessary to accomplish the virtual format of
instruction. This technology included instruction in accessing e‑mail,
World Wide Web, mIRC and Hypernews. Additional instruction to facilitate on‑line
connections was given. To assure student competency, the virtual class met for
a second week to review the previous week's instruction, thereby maximizing
their ability to carry out the class in the virtual setting.
The traditional
class met every Saturday during the next 14 weeks as scheduled from 9:00 am to
1:30 pm.. The virtual class met only twice after the first two weeks‑‑during
the 7th and 14th week to take the midterm and final examination. The
traditional class solved common weekly problem assignments submitting them in
each week. The virtual class had four assignments each week: 1) e‑mail
collaboration among randomly assigned groups of three students in which they
generated weekly statistical reports and sent them to the instructor using e‑mail;
2) hypernews discussion in which a weekly discussion topic was responded to
twice a week by each student; 3) forms input via the WWW which allowed for
student submission of the same homework problems being solved by the
traditional class; and 4) a weekly moderated Internet relay chat (mIRC) in
which student discussion and
on the sample conditions, pre‑test comparisons were made between these
two groups in age, sex, ethnicity, years in school, grade point average, or
familiarity with computers and math The results are as follows:
Table I about
can be seen from the table, no significant differences appeared in any of the
demographic or experiential variables. Students were tested at midterm and
final weeks using identical tests for both classes, which were administered at
the same time and location. The tests consisted of four parts: 1) matching; 2)
objective; 3) definitions; and 4) problems. Results were tallied for each
examination by question type. The results are as follows:
Table II about
indicate the virtual students scored an average of 20 points higher on the 100
point midterm and final exams. These results are consistent on both the midterm
and final, across all four question types. All differences are highly
significant. Further, post‑test results were tabulated for both degree of
interaction with fellow students, time spent on the class, perceived degree of
flexibility and understanding of the material and feelings of affect toward the
professor, the class, computers, and math. The results are as follows:
Table III
about here
ratings on the post‑test questionnaire show more marginally significant
differences, the data do indicate the virtual students communicated more with
fellow students. And, although they perceived they spent significantly more
time on class work, they were also more likely to think they had more
flexibility, a greater understanding of the material, and more positive affect
toward math, in the end, than did the traditional class
experiment was intended to assess the merits of a traditional, versus virtual,
classroom environment on student test performance and student affect toward the
experience. It was hypothesized that face‑to‑face professor‑student
interaction is crucial to test performance. However, the
professor in a face‑to‑face
environment. I believe this lead paradoxically to student compensation
evidenced by more involvement between and among peers, who formulated study
groups to "pick up the slack of not having a real classroom." That
this collaboration manifests itself in better tests scores is consistent with
the findings of the collaborative learning literature. That it is also related
to findings of greater perception of flexibility of process is intuitive, given
the technology. That it is also related to a better understanding of the class,
and, in general, a greater understanding of math, is serendipitous.
Therefore, from
these data, I suspect as much of the performance differences can be attributed
to student collaboration as to the technology, itself. In fact, the highest
performing students (in both classes) reported the most peer interaction.
Therefore, it is important that faculty contemplating the use of the virtual
format pay attention to the issue of real time collaboration, whether carried
from within the traditional classroom or in the context of virtual space. This
is the key variable that should be controlled in further research on the
subject of virtual teaching.
As a postscript, it
is interesting to note there was no consensus as to the effectiveness of the
four Internet technologies. Students in the virtual class were randomly
distributed in their ratings of the impact of the four techniques. Perhaps
further research also should be done to isolate the differential value of each.
Demographics by Condition
AGE (Mean Age) 27.4 27.8 NS
SEX (% Female) 56% 66% NS
ETHNICITY (% Anglo) 44% 47% NS
YEAR (% Senior) 77% 80% NS
GPA (Mean GPA) 3.14 3.40 NS
UNITS (Mean # semester) 14.30 13.30 NS
HRS WKD (Mean # / week) 19.30 21.20 NS
DAYS at CSUN (Mean # / week) 3.86 3.40 NS
Computer Feelings (1‑10) 6.50 7.40 NS
Math Feelings (1‑10) 6.36 6.47 NS
Statistics Feelings (1‑10) 6.00 6.93 NS
Examination Results ‑ Mean Scores
by Condition
(100 pts)
TOTAL 54.76 72.31 (P<.001)
(100 pts)
Matching (of 10) 7.88 9.13 (P<.100)
Objective (of 40) 23.88 35.63 (P<.001)
Definitions (of 15) 9.00 10.94 (P<.040)
Problems (of 35) 20.59 25.88 (P<.040)
TOTALS 61.35 81.56 (P<.001)
EXAM TOTALS (200 pts) 116.12 153.88 (P<.001)
Means Scores by Condition
Attitude toward Math 4.76 6.81 (P<.033)
Student Contact 5.17 7.25
Time Spent on Class 6.94 9.00 (P<.010)
Perception of Flexibility 4.87 6.43 (P<.087)
Understanding of Material 4.76 6.06 (P<.092)