Whereas the Commission on Alcoholism and Drug Counselors Educational Programs (CADCEP), whose specific and primary purposes include, but are not limited to, the promotion and improvement of educational and training programs for alcoholism and drug counselors; the promotion and improvement outcomes for alcoholism and drug abuse treatment; the issuance of continuing education provider approvals; the monitoring of continuing education programs; to accredit public and private alcoholism and drug abuse counselor training programs; to conduct workshops, seminars, training and conferences relevant to chemical dependency and continuing education and other things incidental to alcohol/drug counselor education; and,
Whereas distance learning refers to non‑traditional instruction leading to completion of a course of study, degree, certificate or fulfillment of a continuing education requirement; and learning institutions may be approved or accredited by traditional approval or accreditation organizations (or have no approvals or accreditation); and examples of distance learning include, but are not limited to, the following examples: multiple site satellite viewing with communications links, cable/fiberoptic/DDS satellite courses, audiotape courses, videotape courses and independent study courses using printed materials, internet/BBS/electronic courses; and,
Whereas CADCEP, the educational standards setting arm of CAADAC, understands that at present the ICRC/AODA prohibits distance learning for basic counselor education; and,
Whereas CADCEP recognizes the information explosion and proliferation of distance learning, noting the State of California already permits lawyers, nurses, social workers and psychologists to complete a part or all of their basic education via distance learning; and,
Whereas CADCEP has approved providers of continuing education by distance learning for at least 10 years with few complications as a part of the Continuing Education Provider program; and,
Whereas a quality improvement activity, the CADCEP Audit Program, is already in place to monitor distance learning activities and respond to member complaints, it is noted,
Therefore, CADCEP will initiate a survey to support the development of such distance learning. continuing education standards. Until this survey has been completed and standards are approved, potential providers of distance learning will refer to the existing continuing education provider application and, upon request, the existing guidelines for the development of independent study courses, and,
Therefore, CADCEP stands ready to meet future technological challenges, including distance learning for basic counselor education.
(Prepared by Pete Petrie and Guy C. Lamunyon as directed by the CADCEP Board of Directors in response to an inquiry from Crossroads Consulting. Presented at the CAADAC Annual Conference, September 25th 1998 in Bakersfield, California.)