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Distance Learning

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Please check back frequently for new links on basic, advanced and continuing addiction counselor education by distance learning.

NAADAC Provider Program
Article from The Counselor magazine (1998) on the history and development of the NAADAC Provider Approval program.
Counselor Education
References for distance learning article.
Counselor Benefits
References for distance learning article.
Counselor Ethics
References for distance learning article.
Visit NAADAC's links page! Best addiction links on the internet.
Provider Survey/Guidelines
Provider surveys and guidelines for the development of distance learning courses.
Education Research in Distance Learning
Distance Learning in Education Research from California State University, Northridge.

California BBS and Distance Learning
Restrictions on distance learning not 'legally defensible'.
Distance Learning Recommendation
Prepared by Pete Petrie and Guy C. Lamunyon as directed by the CADCEP Board of Directors in response to an inquiry from Crossroads Consulting. Presented at the CAADAC Annual Conference, September 25th 1998 in Bakersfield, California.
Author Information
Biosketch for the author of the Distance Learning article.
Distance Learning Article
Literature review and recent research on distance learning in the addictions.

California addictions counselors in private practice may be practicing medicine without a license. Use these links for more information:

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